Brynn is, I would say, potty trained. She can go through several days in a row without an accident, but then sometimes when she is playing with Paige she will have an accident. She can also let me know when we are out running errands that she needs to go potty. But this is the dialogue we have when she comes downstairs in a new outfit:
"What happened to the clothes you had on?"
"I peed them," she replies
"Where did you pee them?"
"In my bedroom, on the floor."
"Are you supposed to go potty in the bedroom?"
"No, go potty in the toilet, don't go potty in me bedroom." (She is a wee bit Irish, ya know.)
So although she is doing great, I am soooo glad that we invested in one of those Spot Bot Cleaners from Bissell. That machine is a life saver when you have kids. I figure when we are through with potty training, sippy cups and playing kitchen with rela live water, we will have the carpets cleaned, until then, the little Spot Bot is getting a workout.